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Top 10 Nude Paintings of All Time

Top 10 Nude Paintings of All Time

Several artists refer to the female body as a masterpiece and an epitome of perfection. To convey their ideas about female beauty, a number of artistes have portrayed the female body in different types of arts. Some of these paintings have fetched millions of dollars through to exclusive art collectors. However, these great works can also be owned in an affordable price through reproductions by ArtsDot. Here are the top ten nude paintings we hold in high regard and reproduce in the highest possible quality.

Several artists refer to the female body as a masterpiece and an epitome of perfection. To convey their ideas about female beauty, a number of artistes have portrayed the female body in different types of arts. Some of these paintings have fetched millions of dollars through to exclusive art collectors. However, these great works can also be owned in an affordable price through reproductions by ArtsDot. Here are the top ten nude paintings we hold in high regard and reproduce in the highest possible quality.

1. The Birth of Venus


This artwork was made between 1485 - 1487 painted by the renowned artist, Sandra Botticelli. The painting depicts the goddess Venus, also known as Aphrodite. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite, which means the "sea foam-born" was born out of a shell, which was a product of sea foam for former views. The illustrated landscape and also the exact year is a mystery to the present day. Nevertheless, many historians believe that the work was commissioned by Lorenzo de Medici. The Birth of Venus is now in the Uffizi in Florence / Italy.

2. Chloe


Chloe is a painting created by the hands of Jules-Joseph Lefebvre in 1862. Chloe, which means "The green end", all around the world has been mapped to a large number of magazines for the cover. It is proved as a fact, that even after the wine name "Chloe" were named and inspired writer's poems. Chloe was actually a model from Paris, where she gained notoriety. For all art lovers who fascinated by the beauty of the paintings, we can offer here an accurate reproduction of the finest details.

3. Venus Anadyomene


Venus Anadyomene is a work of art painted by Tiziano Vecellio Titian briefly in 1525. Anadyomene the name means something like the "Entsteigende" and was the Greek epithet of the goddess Aphrodite, and this shows the rise of the sea and how it wrings the water from her hair. This beautiful work today hangs in the National Gallery of Art (short NGA) in Washington DC Given that this painting of the most important works of art of all time heard many art lovers would have to die for it. This work with one of our most popular here at ArtsDot gallery.

4. Actaea, die Nymphe des Meeres


This work was painted in 1868 by Lord Frederic Leighton. Actaea is in Greek mythology numbered among the sea nymphs (Nereids) and it is believed that they belonged to the 50 daughters of Nereus and Doris. In Leighton's painted work, Actaea retains its baby dolphins playing in the sea in sight, while you is on the beach and resting. Actaea, the Nymph of the sea is one of the most famous oil painting on canvas which is around the 19th Century has emerged.

5. The Rokeby Venus



The Rokeby Venus (also known as The Toilet of Venus, Venus at her Mirror, Venus and Cupid, or La Venus del espejo) is a painting by Diego Velázquez (1599–1660), the leading artist of the Spanish Golden Age. Completed between 1647 and 1651, and probably painted during the artist's visit to Italy, the work depicts the goddess Venus in a sensual pose, lying on a bed and looking into a mirror held by the Roman god of physical love, her son Cupid. The painting is in the National Gallery, London. Numerous works, from the ancient to the baroque, have been cited as sources of inspiration for Velázquez. The nude Venuses of the Italian painters, such as Giorgione's Sleeping Venus (c. 1510) and Titian's Venus of Urbino (1538), were the main precedents. In this work, Velázquez combined two established poses for Venus: recumbent on a couch or a bed, and gazing at a mirror. She is often described as looking at herself on the mirror, although this is physically impossible since viewers can see her face reflected in their direction. In a number of ways the painting represents a pictorial departure, through its central use of a mirror, and because it shows the body of Venus turned away from the observer of the painting.

6. The Death of Cleopatra


It is known worldwide that Cleopatra is one of the most beautiful women ever born. It is therefore not surprising that you have dedicated many paintings and they represent and are shown in galleries around the globe. Anyway, one of the most beautiful and most wonderful painting of this stunning beauty is probably the nude paintings of the Italian Giampietrino, actually Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli. The painting was painted by which the Lombard school painter belonging 1520-1540 and is a must for any art lover and Cleopatra.

7. Das Tepidarium


The tepidarium is a heat in the room are heated benches, chairs and walls and floor. The air is dry and at body temperature is between 38 - 40 degrees Celsius. These bathhouses have their origin in the bathing culture of the Roman Empire. This painting was painted in 1913 by John William Godward and how it shows the bathing culture of the Old Roman Empire saw. The work shows a woman as she stores your robe and makes for the bathroom deal. Meanwhile, the painting can close on anything, it is thought of this is a woman who meets together with your lover in the bath. The painting is now in a private collection.

8. Die Nackte Maja


This oil painting was painted by Francisco Goya (Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes) between 1797-1800. It shows a naked woman resting on a pillow and is one of the first representation in Western art, which represents the female body with pubic hair. Goya painted a second version of the image, with the same pose clad only in form. The identity and history is unknown, but it is believed that it should have been a lover of the Prime Minister de Godoy. Goya was put on trial in 1815 in which he should specify who has given this offensive paintings in order. His statement is not known, but to him, the title of the royal court painter was subsequently withdrawn.

9. Danaë


This painting was painted in 1621 by Orazio Gentileschi. Danae in Greek mythology, was one of many lovers of Zeus. The supreme Olympian god and Danae had a son together, Perseus. Danae was depicted in many paintings and portraits.

10. Phryne vor dem Areopag


This is the painting of the painter Jean-Leon Gerome and was painted by him in 1891. This painting shows the process go Phryne, claiming that it was more beautiful than Aphrodite, and therefore she was accused of impiety. It is believed that they had to open it in your hair and the evidence should undress. The painting is now in the Hamburg Kunsthalle.

These are all beautiful and famous paintings which represent an act. For all art lovers, these works where it is impossible available for purchase, we help here at ArtsDot and create for you a high-quality reprint for a small price. Thus, you can fulfill the dream of a world famous work of art




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